There are 1000 and 1 options these days for finding authentic preloved designer goods in excellent condition for less. The first step is finding your perfect piece, but the second, equally important step, is to know how to care for it so it last’s a lifetime and holds it’s resale value. In this article I will go through the 5 most important products we use at The Global Collective Co. to restore and care for our designer goods.
Designer shoes and purses are made of the BEST fabrics available. Leathers usually include luscious, buttery soft nappa leather, silky smooth suede, exotic animal skins, etc. While they are all top shelf fabrics, they do not care for themselves. This is your job. There is a special process, special products, that will help keep your designer items looking “near new”.
Ladies, I will be sharing some of the most amazing products with you. The products I will be mentioning can be used on any kind of high-end suede or leather. Make sure to read the instructions on the product before using it. These are the exact products we work with here at The Global Collective Co.
The first thing we do for leather pieces (bags, belts, wallets and shoes) is to clean the piece with LEATHER CLEANER and a cloth. This is to remove and dust or dirt that may be on the piece from its prior owner. It is often times hard to see dirt and grit on darker colors so, you might want to do this step even if it looks clean.
The next step (optional) is to apply CREAM SHOE POLISH depending on the needs of the item. This is mostly for shoes, but I will apply polish on leather goods if the corners look like they might need some help. Here are my favorite brands of polish. I tend to like cream polishes because they are easier to control and you don’t need a lot.
The most important step is to apply the LEATHER CONDITIONER. This is THE magic tool. This will breathe new life into ANY leather piece. The before and after’s on this product are amazing! Leather conditioner is essential to keeping your pieces looking new and avoid crease marks. I would suggest applying this to your leather goods every few months or whenever they start to look dull.
SUEDE 101:
Suede is a gorgeous yet delicate fabric. You have to be very good about suede care or your items will lose their magic in a short time.
The first thing we do when we get suede items is to brush the entire piece in a circular motion to remove dust and dirt. I like the brush with two different textures for extra difficult dirt. Once you have given the item a good brush down, you can use the eraser to erase away any stains.
You want to be careful not to rip out the little hairs. You should use the eraser in a circular motion around the stain until it fades. You can re-brush once you are done to smooth out and even out the area.
Once you are done with this step, apply a generous amount of MINK OIL from a few inches away. Make sure to coat the item evenly and watch its original color come back right before your eyes! THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE PRODUCTS. It literally brings the piece back to life.
Once you have treated the fabric and it is ready to be stored….The first thing you want to do is to make sure you handbag is protected from any outside aggressors; ie hangers, hardware rubbing against it, children, anything or anyone that might be a thread to its wellbeing.
We handle a lot of consignment handbags at The Global Collective Co. We make sure that EVERY SINGLE BAG that comes through our door has a DUST BAG. We also like THESE, so you can see which bag is which. If the piece does not come with it’s original dust bag, we will provide it with one of ours. This ensures that the handbag is protected from outside elements and is in its best state when it gets to its new home.
Here are some of the bags that we have used in the past. I highly recommend making sure that every single handbag you own is protected by a dust bag. Remember, your designer bags are not just bags, they are investment pieces that must be treated as such.
Ladies, the most important part of caring for a handbag is ensuring that it will always keep its original shape. Leather is malleable and will leave marks. YOU MUST ENSURE THAT YOUR BAGS ARE PROPERLY STUFFED so that time and weight don’t take their toll on your beauty.
While you can stuff the using bubble wrap or paper, we have found that the best way to keep the purses in their original condition is by using HAND BAG INSERTS. There are different sizes available and they can be reused forever and ever. CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL SET
These beauties can be purchased both individually or as a set. If you are investing your hard earned cash into designer goods, you should consider investing just a little more to provide them with the best care and conserve their resale value.
I happen to have a slight obsession with shoes. I love buying beautiful pairs but, shoes take the biggest hits when worn. It is up to us to care for them like the good friends that they are. At The Global Collective Co. We make sure that EVERY SINGLE PAIR has a dust bag. This avoids damaging of the fabric keeps it from collecting dust.
Before we put them in the dust bags, we ensure that all points are lightly stuffed so that the shoe maintains its original shape. There is nothing worse than a deformed shoe from being stored improperly.
I hope this article was helpful for you. As a luxury reseller, I can tell you that it is imperative to care for and maintain your pieces in the best possible condition. When they are properly cared for, they keep their resale value for years, some may even go up in value over the years!
Here is a list of the items discussed in the articles, feel free to leave a comment if you have any further questions.
If you need help finding a killer deal on an authentic designer bag or pair of shoes, make sure to CHECK OUT OUR COLLECTION. All items are authentic and in excellent condition, and they are looking for nice new home. SIGN UP BELOW, TO BE NOTIFIED WHEN NEW ITEMS COME IN.
Click here to read our "HOW TO SPOT A FAKE DESIGNER BAG IN MINUTES" post and learn all the things you need to know before buying your dream piece.
Lastly, if you already took the plunge but have doubts about the authenticity of your new baby, click here to read about THE GCC AUTHENTICATION CONSULTATION Service and why it is better than all other services out there.